Safety21: benefits for authorities

Safety21 operates throughout the country offering advanced solutions and innovative outsourcing services.

The technologically advanced systems on offer integrate digital solutions and IoT applications, enabling efficient organisation of surveillance across the region.

Amongst the many advantages these tools bring are remote management and monitoring, allowing for a more efficient use of the Authority’s resources.

Find out more in this interview with Giulia Maglione, Safety Operations Director

Safe Pedestrian 2.0: the technological benefits

Designed to effectively monitor pedestrian crossings without traffic lights, Safety21‘s Safe Pedestrian 2.0 is a highly innovative system designed to ensure public safety by supporting the digital transformation of cities.

What are the most innovative aspects of this platform?

We asked Andrea Casiraghi, Safety21’s Chief Technology Officer.

There are four main technological advantages to the system:

  1. Certified Cloud Platform ‘As a Service’ delivery
  2. System accessibility from any browser or device
  3. Service compliance with all applicable data protection and data retention regulations
  4. High levels of service

Safe Pedestrian 2.0: two new installations in the Como area

A press conference at Villa Gallia to illustrate the new Safe Pedestrian 2.0 project in detail: this is how, on 26th September, the Province of Como officially launched the two installations of our high-tech safety system for pedestrian crossings, which had recently become active on the former SS 583 “Lariana” road in the Municipality of Torno and along the SP 40 “Arosio – Canzo” road in the Municipality of Arosio. Two points considered critical.

The project to protect pedestrians – which is part of the initiatives already underway to make the province of Como safer – allows us to respond concretely to the need for safety that has long been recognised by the two municipal authorities.

There have been too many accidents in the two areas, including at pedestrian crossings.

With its innovative technology, the Safe Pedestrian 2.0 system will now allow safer crossings in Torno and Arosio, both by day and by night, thanks to the 360 degree camera that enables real-time monitoring of the pedestrian crossing and the four photocells that trigger four high-brightness LED flashing beacons and external signalling devices for motorists when a pedestrian is present.

According to the most recent regional data, there were 1,555 road accidents involving personal injury in the province of Como in 2016 (source: ISTAT), causing a total of 15 deaths and 2,204 injuries.

This figure is an improvement on the previous 2015 survey, yet pedestrians were once again among the most vulnerable road users with 5 deaths and 211 injuries.

ISTAT 2016 data: fewer victims on the road and fewer pedestrian victims

In 2016 there were 175,791 road accidents involving personal injury in Italy, resulting in 3,283 deaths and 249,175 injuries. Among the fatalities, there was a net increase for cyclists (275, +9.6%) and moped riders (116, +10.5%), while there was a decrease for motorcyclists (657, -15.0%) and pedestrians (570, -5.3%).

This is the overall picture of road accidents in our country that emerged from the latest ISTAT report for 2016.

A remarkable year in which the number of deaths fell compared to 2015 (-4.2%), while accidents and injuries, especially serious ones, increased for the first time since 2001.

The decrease in the number of fatalities in Italy – ISTAT points out – is mainly due to the drop recorded on motorways (including ring roads and motorway junctions) and non-urban roads (274 and 1,546 deaths; -10.2 and -4.6% on the previous year). There was a smaller drop in the number of deaths on urban roads (1,463 deaths; -2.6%); the drop in the number of deaths in large towns was more substantial: 6.5%.

Some of the incorrect behaviours that cause accidents are the same ones that Safety21 seeks to prevent with its monitoring and training projects: driver distraction, failure to respect right of way and excessive speed are the most frequent causes, while speeding, failure to use safety devices and the use of mobile phones while driving are the most frequently penalised traffic offences.

The HAT Orizzonte Group joins Safety21

A new addition to Safety21. HAT Sicaf, an investment fund belonging to the HAT Orizzonte Group, acquired a 30% stake for approximately €6 million, mainly through a capital increase.

HAT Sicaf is an investment fund that specialises in private equity transactions. It is promoted and controlled by managing partners Nino Attanasio and Ignazio Castiglioni and is owned by leading Italian entrepreneurs as well as by Fondo Italiano d’Investimento (Italian Investment Fund), the latter controlled by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and other leading Italian banks.

Representing HAT Sicaf, Nino Attanasio and Ignazio Castiglioni, respectively Chairman and CEO of the HAT Orizzonte Group, thus joined the Safety21 Board of Directors in July 2016.

“We are very pleased”, commented Ignazio Castiglioni, “to announce our investment in Safety21, an outstanding and innovative Italian technology company that plays an important role in road safety and has a highly scalable business”.

HAT, which has the objective of accelerating the development of the companies in which it invests, will support Safety21’s management in its growth through the consolidation of its market position.

Promoting road safety at the Exhibition of Justice

During the last Exhibition of Justice in Rome, Safety21 sponsored a conference entitled “Ti voglio bene: La sicurezza stradale cresce con noi” (I love you: Road safety grows with us): a forum for young people and institutions, to promote a culture of legality on the road, reflect together on European and Italian accident figures, and focus on the objectives needed to reduce accidents.

Moderated by Rai Isoradio journalist Elena Carbonari, and introduced by Safety21 CEO Gianluca Longo, the conference focused on directly involving the students in the audience and saw the participation of the Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Riccardo Nencini, the Undersecretary for Justice, Cosimo Ferri, Giuseppe Bisogno, Director of the State Police Traffic Unit and Antonello Salzano for the Italian Automobile Club.

The participants discussed technology, safety statistics, the institutions’ commitment to increasing road safety, and the topic of vehicular homicide, which included the moving testimony of Stefano Guarnieri, President of the Lorenzo Guarnieri Onlus Association and father of Lorenzo, a young road accident victim.

Check out the highlights of the forum.

Safety21 is part of the ASAPS (Association of Supporters and Friends of the Traffic Police) Foundation

Those of us who support the values of good road sense now have a new ally by our side. Twenty-six years after the launch of the Associazione Sostenitori ed Amici della Polizia Stradale (Association of Supporters and Friends of the Traffic Police), the ASAPS Foundation was formed: an ethical and social alliance for road and urban safety, of which Safety21, which has always supported ASAPS, is proud to be a founding member.

The Foundation’s values and objectives are based on the activities carried out by the Association, chaired and founded in 1991 by Giordano Biserni, and it was set up with the aim of bringing together under one roof the numerous requests of all those – citizens, associations and businesses, police forces, rescue operators – who are involved in safeguarding urban and road safety.

Different parties, one awareness: levels of safety also correspond to an institution’s ability to take charge of the risks to which the public are exposed and provide solutions to deal with them.

The cornerstones of the Foundation’s programme will be information, vocational training, advice, and research.


Tech Tour recognises Safety21

Safety21 at the Italian Tech Tour: our company was selected as one of the 50 fastest growing companies in Europe.

We were presented with an award at the Rome stage of the Italian Tech Tour 2016. This international event aimed at matching emerging or already established start-ups/innovative companies with European investors, venture capitalists, corporate investors and business angels kicked off at Invitalia’s Rome offices with Safety21’s participation The basis of the award is Tech Tour’s selection of the fifty European start-ups that have grown the most in the last ten years.

Safety21 at Microsoft Forum 2017

Safety21 was also among the 2,000 professionals taking part in the Microsoft Forum 2017, the event in Milan where Microsoft opened a lively debate on the digital revolution and the prospects of Industry 4.0.

Within the Exhibition Area, which took the form of an experiential path to discover how new technologies are capable of revolutionising the industrial world and society in a smart and IoT context, Safety21, as a Microsoft Partner, presented the smart city project Safe Pedestrian 2.0.

Based on Microsoft’s cloud and IoT, our Safety 2.0 solution uses sensors and analysis tools to detect and alert cars to the presence of pedestrians at pedestrian crossings without traffic lights and to enable authorities to view live and on-demand footage of the crossing. An evolved response to the safety needs of every contemporary and future city.

Read the Wired article

Safety21 expands its services, A21 Riscossioni is launched

The year 2017 is a year of strong growth for the Safety21 Group. With a view to offering increasingly integrated and advanced outsourcing services, Safety21 has founded A21 Riscossioni Srl in partnership with the Engineering Group.

This new Group company, through which Safety21 becomes, to all intents and purposes, an all-round partner for Public Authorities, provides specialised services to support service operators and Public Authorities in managing the enforced collection of traffic offence-related receivables.

These outsourced services, offered through a team of experts specialised in credit analysis, evaluation and collection procedures, are fully integrated with the services offered by Safety21 and with the highest levels of security and data protection in information management


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