Those of us who support the values of good road sense now have a new ally by our side. Twenty-six years after the launch of the Associazione Sostenitori ed Amici della Polizia Stradale (Association of Supporters and Friends of the Traffic Police), the ASAPS Foundation was formed: an ethical and social alliance for road and urban safety, of which Safety21, which has always supported ASAPS, is proud to be a founding member.
The Foundation’s values and objectives are based on the activities carried out by the Association, chaired and founded in 1991 by Giordano Biserni, and it was set up with the aim of bringing together under one roof the numerous requests of all those – citizens, associations and businesses, police forces, rescue operators – who are involved in safeguarding urban and road safety.
Different parties, one awareness: levels of safety also correspond to an institution’s ability to take charge of the risks to which the public are exposed and provide solutions to deal with them.
The cornerstones of the Foundation’s programme will be information, vocational training, advice, and research.