ESG and Corporate
Social Responsibility

By embracing ESG criteria, Safety21 contributes to respect and protection of the environment, ensures equal treatment of people and ensures corporate governance that respects the principles of honesty.
Safety21 is aware of its responsibilities towards the community and intends to define as a strategic objective the commitment to operate according to the principles of Social Responsibility

Safety21 has prepared its third sustainability report for the year 2023, with the intention of assuming responsibility for reflecting and demonstrating its commitment to environmental, social and economic issues, showing the will to project itself towards a future in the name of sustainability taking on the awareness and the value that human relations, respect for the environment and social commitment.

Safety21 joined the The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), with an approved near-term science-based emissions reduction target to limit global temperature rise to 1,5°C, positioning itself among the over 5000 corporate leaders of the low-carbon transition.

Safety21 commits to reduce Scope1 and Scope2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year, and to measure and reduce its Scope 3 emissions.

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reductions targets in line with the latest climate science. It is focused on accelerating companies across the world to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions before 2050.

Ethics and Transparency

In compliance with the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001, Safety21 has adopted a Code of Ethics, which is an integral and substantial part of the Organisational Model, and a Code of Conduct which summarise the principles, directives and fundamental rules of conduct that all those who establish working relationships with the Group, whether directly or indirectly, permanently or temporarily, and for any reason, must apply when conducting business and managing.

Safety21 has always been engaged in a constant monitoring of tools and safeguards aimed at combating all forms of corruption, active and passive, direct and indirect that involves, in addition to the Company’s staff, also each person who carries out activities on its behalf. To strengthen this commitment, Safety21 has adopted its own anti-corruption management system in accordance with the UNI ISO 37001: 2016 standard – Management System for the Prevention of Corruption.

Safety21 is aware of its responsibilities towards the community and intends to define as a strategic objective, the commitment to operate according to the principles of Social Responsibility.

Safety21 has started a process of cultural change within its organization in order to achieve fairer gender equality. Safety21 believes in a culture based on respect for and appreciation of diversity of gender, age, origin, social, religious, political ideas, psychophysical abilities, identity and sexual orientation.
To strengthen this commitment, Safety21 has adopted its own management system, in accordance with the reference practice UNI/PDR125:2022 – Management System for Gender Equality.


Pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/2023, we ensure the receipt, management, analysis and processing of reports, including anonymous, received by Safety21.
