Safety21, sponsor of SURF 2022

Safety21 is a sponsor of SURF2022, the international symposium on “Pavement Surface Charateristics” that for the first time arrives in Italy. This one in Milan (12-14 September) is the ninth edition of the event, held for the first time in the United States of America in 1988 and last hosted by Australia 4 years ago. Chairman of the event was Prof. Maurizio Crispino of Politecnico di Milano while Co-Chairman was the CEO of ANAS SpA, Aldo Isi.

The goal of SURF22 is to compare each other in order to improve the quality of the flooring surface while meeting the needs of efficiency, safety, sustainability, new generation mobility, as well as users, managers and social expectations.

Workshops and round tables address the main themes of the Symposium concerning data monitoring and performance evaluation, innovation, economic and policy strategies, analysis and evaluation of life cycle costs, safety and risk issues, sustainability issues (noise, vibration, pollution, fuel consumption, etc.), surface layer design, maintenance and conservation treatments, as well as materials and design.

A great opportunity for Safety21, thanks to its know-how in the field of road safety and smart mobility.

To learn more, visit the website


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